Head Position

Former Member
Former Member
I'm a fairly new competitve swimmer (although I'm gonna be 50 this year). I'm reading a book entitled "The Essential Swimmer" by Steve Tarpinian. He's telling me that the water line for freestyle should be somewhere between my goggles and my cap (hairline) on my forehead. Is this right? I've been swimming all this time (started last August) with my head straight down. Seems to me that I'm gonna get quite a neck ache swimming that way, but if that's correct I'll start today! Any help is appreciated. Doug
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    In the early 90's, I was actually *ahem* corrected by Mr. T from the neutral head position (facing down) I had used in college to one where I had my eyes at the water line. I can still vividly recall his comment of "we got a head dunker" that is captured somewhere on video tape in my archives. It wasn't until last year that Total Immersion freed me from that yoke and eased my aching neck. It also raised my hips and I haven't needed to use a pull-buoy since then. Clearly, my vote is heads down, but read up on Emmett's site referenced above as well as Total Immersion. Try it out and decide for yourself.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    In the early 90's, I was actually *ahem* corrected by Mr. T from the neutral head position (facing down) I had used in college to one where I had my eyes at the water line. I can still vividly recall his comment of "we got a head dunker" that is captured somewhere on video tape in my archives. It wasn't until last year that Total Immersion freed me from that yoke and eased my aching neck. It also raised my hips and I haven't needed to use a pull-buoy since then. Clearly, my vote is heads down, but read up on Emmett's site referenced above as well as Total Immersion. Try it out and decide for yourself.
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