Effective Use of Video Cam

Former Member
Former Member
Any of you coaches out there, I have an equipment question: We got a digital camera for Xmas, and it has the capability to take video clips. I think we ought to be able to use this with our Summer Rec League Team. (Think lots of kids, all levels of ability, 6-18 yrs old). Just to clarify, I am one of the coaches, and we are talking about all of the kids, not just mine. Has anyone discovered a particularly effective way to use this tool? Perhaps as important, has anyone found an INEFFECTIVE way that should be avoided? I'm thinking we could use it ad hoc, i.e. in the course of practice, tape a kid when we see something that is obvious, pull her out and show her what she is doing right away. We could schedule a day to tape everyone in a systematic fashion. We could reserve it for meet swims. (Give me something to do other that cheer, take splits, and worry about relay teams no-showing.) What has worked for your team? Matt
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Alot would depend on how long the clip could be on your digital camera. 10-15 seconds might not be enough to capture what you're wanting to demonstrate. Plus the resolution, if a still camera, wouldn't be that great for a person to have to view the video on the provided viewfinder. You neglected to state if this digital camera was designed for still photography or for videotaping. A digital video camera that could be hooked up to a video monitor (or tv set) would be of greater benefit for everyone.