Afraid to let go of flotation devices

Former Member
Former Member
I am 34 years old and I am really desperate to learn to swim. When I took a class last year I stopped going because the instructor wanted to move to deeper water (8 feet) and I was afraid because I can only stand up in 6 feet of water. I feel comfortable swimming with a noodle to hold my upper body up and an instruction/therapy bar to hold on while I move through the pool, but letting go has been very difficult for me because I keep thinking that I will not stay afloat. Can someone please give me some tips or something that will help me just let go. It took a lot for me to just get to the point of actually trusting the flotation devices. I am starting more lessons on 3/16 and I hired a private instructor for inbetween class times. I just really have a desire to swim for the rest of my life. Please help me out. I'm really desperate here in Virginia.
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