Fred Rogers' death

Former Member
Former Member
While not exactly on topic--Fred Rogers (of MisterRoger's Neighborhood) was well-known, in Pittsburgh, for his love of swimming. He was seen many times at the local pools (I think U of Pitt's Trees or CMU's pool) doing his daily swim. He did many shows related to swimming--even showing himself swimming with others. One of his early frequent guests was Coach Will Saunders who, in the 60s, was the coach for one of the local high school swim teams.
  • One day my brother and I were working out at the Rollins College (Winter Park, Fl.) pool. He said "Hey, Fred" to a fellow who was just getting into the pool. Fred returned the greeting and they exchanged some other pleasantries and swimming banter. I asked my brother who he was (as his voice and demeanor were familiar to the far reaches of my old brain) and he said "Mr. Rogers. You know, from the neighborhood. He comes to swim every day he is here visiting. He is as charming and genuine here as he appears on television."
  • One day my brother and I were working out at the Rollins College (Winter Park, Fl.) pool. He said "Hey, Fred" to a fellow who was just getting into the pool. Fred returned the greeting and they exchanged some other pleasantries and swimming banter. I asked my brother who he was (as his voice and demeanor were familiar to the far reaches of my old brain) and he said "Mr. Rogers. You know, from the neighborhood. He comes to swim every day he is here visiting. He is as charming and genuine here as he appears on television."
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