This does not have much to do with swimming, but I was just wondering how people come up with their handles (your alias that you use for your name). Do you have a specific meaning or did somebody just give you this nickname?
Mine was given partially tot me by my brother-in-law, who thought that hans was a Dutch name (i am Dutch) and I like James bond, although he is a bad swimmer...
Former Member
:cool: When I signed on for this swimming forum, I really didn't expect very much activity from other people. But I've been pleasantly suprised even though I only get to "catch up" about once a month.
When I saw the icon of the military fish I knew that was perfect for me. Because I grew up in a strict military family and my passion for swimming has always been with me even during the 20 years I had no pool closer than 2 driving hours away for those years.
Now I am really enjoying my time back in the water and enjoying this BillFeesh "Handle".
:cool: When I signed on for this swimming forum, I really didn't expect very much activity from other people. But I've been pleasantly suprised even though I only get to "catch up" about once a month.
When I saw the icon of the military fish I knew that was perfect for me. Because I grew up in a strict military family and my passion for swimming has always been with me even during the 20 years I had no pool closer than 2 driving hours away for those years.
Now I am really enjoying my time back in the water and enjoying this BillFeesh "Handle".