Why do you use your specific handle

Former Member
Former Member
Hi, This does not have much to do with swimming, but I was just wondering how people come up with their handles (your alias that you use for your name). Do you have a specific meaning or did somebody just give you this nickname? Mine was given partially tot me by my brother-in-law, who thought that hans was a Dutch name (i am Dutch) and I like James bond, although he is a bad swimmer...
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    It IS a small world. I worked in laineybug's home town occasionally in my younger days. City of Roses. Mine's somewhat complicated. Shaky is shortened from Shaky & Blue, the name I use on a couple of other message boards pertaining to my job in television. I'm a news photographer. If the cameras we use are not operated properly, they can give you blue video, which looks terrible on television. Shaky video is generally frowned upon as well, since steady video is easier to watch. You WANT steady video that is the correct color. Being something of a smartass, I named myself the exact opposite: Shaky & Blue. When I registered here I just shortened it to Shaky. My job is actually the reason I started swimming again after a 15 year layoff. Back problems are a common complaint in my craft, since the weight of the camera ends up unbalanced on one shoulder. I was starting to have minor upper back problems, particularly in my right shoulder and neck; but swimming pulls everything back the way it's supposed to be and actually makes my camerawork less shaky. Maybe I should change my name.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    It IS a small world. I worked in laineybug's home town occasionally in my younger days. City of Roses. Mine's somewhat complicated. Shaky is shortened from Shaky & Blue, the name I use on a couple of other message boards pertaining to my job in television. I'm a news photographer. If the cameras we use are not operated properly, they can give you blue video, which looks terrible on television. Shaky video is generally frowned upon as well, since steady video is easier to watch. You WANT steady video that is the correct color. Being something of a smartass, I named myself the exact opposite: Shaky & Blue. When I registered here I just shortened it to Shaky. My job is actually the reason I started swimming again after a 15 year layoff. Back problems are a common complaint in my craft, since the weight of the camera ends up unbalanced on one shoulder. I was starting to have minor upper back problems, particularly in my right shoulder and neck; but swimming pulls everything back the way it's supposed to be and actually makes my camerawork less shaky. Maybe I should change my name.
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