I know, I know, another message about some weird swimming pain. I'm just wondering if anyone's suffered with this. Here's the story:
I've been swimming since I was about 8 (I'm 25) and recently have been swimming a lot more to take a break from running. In November, I felt a strange pain in my shoulder. I ignored it, swam anyway. Reoccurred a month later; I took a couple days off, then right back to swimming (I swim anywhere from 2000-4500 in a session, about 4 days a week). Of course the lesson is that I shouldn't have IGNORED the pain, but I did.
Almost 3 weeks ago I woke up not even able to move my neck from side to side. The pain has dwindled to some weirdness in my left shoulder (back of my shoulder- scapula), aching in my bicep, and often the shoulder will "pop". I've been told that in freestyle, often my elbows aren't high enough, which can put strain on the shoulders. But has anyone else dealt with kind of pain? Any diagnoses? Is it tendonitis?
I am going to the orthopedist on Friday, just curious if I'm alone here...
Former Member
Sara - Your symptoms sound similar to ones I had about a year ago except for the "popping" in my shoulder. Ask your orthopedist about impinged nerves in your neck.
I was diagnosed with a herniated disc in my neck at the c4/5 level but I recovered very quickly. My doctor attributed my rapid recovery to swimming!
Good luck,