OK folks, here's the query......
If I swim in a meet today and realize that I have a need to build some more strength, can I accomplish any benefit toward a meet seven days from now by doing weight training ??
Or, will I just be breaking down muscle fibre and find myself weaker in seven days ?
What is the time span for realizing benefits from weights without hurting oneself?
I'm on a mission.......................... Bert ;)
Former Member
Bert - Don't do it. There is a very good chance that you will be sore and tight after lifting weights for the 1st time, even if you take it easy. Swimming tight and sore will not help your times.
Two weeks ago I took an abs class for the first time. I worked hard but did not find the class to be extremely strenuous. Two days later I was extremely sore and I "felt" every stroke and kick for the next week.
Start lifting after your next meet.
Good luck,
Bert - Don't do it. There is a very good chance that you will be sore and tight after lifting weights for the 1st time, even if you take it easy. Swimming tight and sore will not help your times.
Two weeks ago I took an abs class for the first time. I worked hard but did not find the class to be extremely strenuous. Two days later I was extremely sore and I "felt" every stroke and kick for the next week.
Start lifting after your next meet.
Good luck,