Question about Dietary Supplements

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Former Member
I've been increasing my swim workouts (currently up to 1hr 45min, 5 days a week). However with the increased time in the water I have found a corresponding difficulty in recovering after the work out. I've seen a couple comments posted in the past about various supplements that can help you recover faster, etc., but I can't locate the posts now. If you have some information on the subject I'd love to hear it. Thanks,
  • Hi, I agree with Lexa and SearayPaul. I do take a multivitamin daily to cover anything that might be lacking in my diet, but in my opinion, all those dietary supplements, (muscle building, fat burning, etc.) are for the most part bogus. Eat well balanced meals and stay rested!!! Here is one of my favorite websites: -GG
  • Hi, I agree with Lexa and SearayPaul. I do take a multivitamin daily to cover anything that might be lacking in my diet, but in my opinion, all those dietary supplements, (muscle building, fat burning, etc.) are for the most part bogus. Eat well balanced meals and stay rested!!! Here is one of my favorite websites: -GG
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