When to join?

Former Member
Former Member
I've been reading this board for a while now, and I've been debating the issue of whether or not I'm ready to start swimming with a masters group. Right now, I'm slow, I need to lose about 50 lbs, and I live in the land of amazingly fit and athletic people. Growing up, I did swimming and diving on and off for several years, and took up swimming a couple years ago to get back in shape, lose weight, and deal with stress. During the summer I'll do a couple open water swims (1 or 2 miles) and my workouts vary between 2,000 and 3,500 yards, depending on whether I'm getting ready for a certain distance, or just splashing around in the off season. Part of me wants to give a masters team a try, in an attempt to get faster and improve technique... but I'm a bit worried about being the "slow fat chick." Any thoughts? Should I wait, or give it a go?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    By all means, go ahead and join. As for being the slowest person, you most likely will not be. There are all ranges of abilities on masters teams. It is important to find one where you feel comfortable. I think you will also be pleasantly surprised that all sizes join masters teams. On my team, everyone is very supportive of bigger people who are trying to get in shape. In fact, at every meet I have been to, everyone is really supportive no matter what your ability, weight, etc. No one is ever known as "slow", "fat", etc. You should check out a few teams before deciding to join one if you are concerned. Be sure to find one where you feel comfortable with the other swimmers and the atmosphere of the team.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    If you can swim 2000 yards, you are more than ready to start swimming with a masters group imho. Swimming workouts that include intervals will improve your speed and also be more interesting. I think that you will find that the people will be encouraging. I predict that you will be surprised and pleased with your improvement . Definitely go for it!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Meli - Join now! I AM the "slow fat chick" in my Masters workouts, and it doesn't matter - and I live in L.A., land of the superfit skinnies. I don't care - it's for me. And I am a LOT worse than you are - I only learned to swim about 4 years ago (I'm 35), and just came back in November after an 8 month layoff. I swim in the slowest lane, with long fins, and often struggle with the intervals (I swim about a 2:20 for 100 yards!). I've only broken 2000 yards in a 1 hour workout (and that was yesterday - it was my goal for 2003, and I've made it. Now, I want to aim for consistent 2000 yard workouts). But my coaches have been fantastic at helping me get back to it, and to improve. You'll be fine. Joining is the hardest part.