Has anyone else experienced blurred vision after a work out that can be tied directly to goggles? After the MD checked me out for symtpoms of a stroke, the Opth. couldn't find anything unusal with my vision. So the theory at the moment is that my goggles are somehow causing the blurrieness.
Any ideas?
Former Member
what kind of googles do you wear? I've never had problems with the googles before, BUT are you sure that it is the googles?
See, when I was in lifeguard training, we did all of it in a pool. Now, because my eyes were sensitive to chlorine (we weren't allowed to use googles...those animals), and after alot of underwater rescue drills, I found myself having temporary blurred vision after training.
So it might not even be the googles, but the chlorine in the pool that may be causing the blurred vision.
When I had this temporary blurred vision, my eyes felt incredibly dry and I could barely keep them open, but it wasn't painful, just uncomfortable....so maybe that could be it:confused: .
Hope that helps
what kind of googles do you wear? I've never had problems with the googles before, BUT are you sure that it is the googles?
See, when I was in lifeguard training, we did all of it in a pool. Now, because my eyes were sensitive to chlorine (we weren't allowed to use googles...those animals), and after alot of underwater rescue drills, I found myself having temporary blurred vision after training.
So it might not even be the googles, but the chlorine in the pool that may be causing the blurred vision.
When I had this temporary blurred vision, my eyes felt incredibly dry and I could barely keep them open, but it wasn't painful, just uncomfortable....so maybe that could be it:confused: .
Hope that helps