Has anyone else experienced blurred vision after a work out that can be tied directly to goggles? After the MD checked me out for symtpoms of a stroke, the Opth. couldn't find anything unusal with my vision. So the theory at the moment is that my goggles are somehow causing the blurrieness.
Any ideas?
Former Member
Maybe your goggles are too tight against your eyes or eyelids? I've got a few (older) pairs where they leave marks around my eyes but I've gotten rid of them at the suggestion of the plastic surgeon--they were breaking down the bone structure/fat pads around the eyes.
I've also got a few pairs that if I put them on too tight and press them into my face too much--my eyelids/lashes bump the lens. Doesn't allow the lids to close correctly or comfortably.
I do wear the baracudas==both styles of the 300. One has a flatter profile than the other. The flatter profile is the one that bumps my eyelashes and makes it harder to open and close eyes. The other 300 fits better--the lens are somewhat raised with a beveled edge to them.
They are costly (and most swim shops won't carry them--people don't lose or replace them often enough) and need to be ordered thru catalogs or internet services.
You might try the Barracuda Standard goggles. They are very comfortable and dont hurt the eyes. They do take some adjustment to get them to fit as there are two adjustment points, the straps and the nose bridge. Additionally they have a repair kit available that costs 7.00 and can be re-foamed. They ae not cheap about 30-40 dollars .
what kind of googles do you wear? I've never had problems with the googles before, BUT are you sure that it is the googles?
See, when I was in lifeguard training, we did all of it in a pool. Now, because my eyes were sensitive to chlorine (we weren't allowed to use googles...those animals), and after alot of underwater rescue drills, I found myself having temporary blurred vision after training.
So it might not even be the googles, but the chlorine in the pool that may be causing the blurred vision.
When I had this temporary blurred vision, my eyes felt incredibly dry and I could barely keep them open, but it wasn't painful, just uncomfortable....so maybe that could be it:confused: .
Hope that helps
Thanks for the feedback. I really don't think it's the chlorine; although the folks tending the pool chemicals can sometimes be classified as sadistic!
The goggles I am using are Speedo Sprint Deluxe; but I think I'll give the Baracudas a try.
I've had the same blurry eyed problem you describe.
Mine is NOT due to chlorine as I swim in two different pools, one that is chlorine based, the other uses some kind of state of the art something or other and uses such a small amount of chlorine you can't even smell it in the air when you walk in the building.
I've used speedo, barracuda and open water goggles and still have the problem. It usually clears up after 5 to 10 minutes after I stop swimming and is much more pronounced in my right eye, especially after swims in excess of 90 minutes.
I have no scientific evidence to back this up, but I think it's some kind of eye fatigue. Possibly something to do with the eye adjusting for focal length. That's my guess anyway.
I'm with you on the focal point theory. Pehaps it's beacuse of my advanced age; but my problem stays with me ALL day and magically disappears the next morning.
My take is that when I make that last minute push on the goggles to get a tight fit, it creates a small vacume that over a period of 1.5 hours distorts the eye such that central focal point is no longer centered.
Thanks for your input
If you do try the Barracudas, there are two adjustment points as I posted before. The nose bridge and the strap. They conform to the face but it can take a couple of swims before they "seat" I find them to be very comfortable and good sealing but many people do have a problem because they do not understand the adjustment process.
Got the Baracudas - finally and guess what - problem solved!!!!
That adjustment process is a bit of a pain; but after three workouts they fit fine. If only they didn't fog up so much.