Getting back in the pool after a few years off...

Former Member
Former Member
I swam competitively from the time I was 7yrs old the whole way through college. After I graduated, I decided to take a few years off and try to do some serious weight lifting. I did moderate cardio work during this couple of year stretch - I don't really consider my self to be out of shape, just out of "swimming shape" :( Anyways, I'm getting ready to start swimming again. I've been doing a lot of running to try to get a little closer to what I feel would be in shape for practicing. Any thoughts on how to "ease" back into serious workouts. The fitness center that I belong to has a masters program, but I would be nowhere near ready to participate. Thanks, -cotfessi
  • If you are interested in these or other books by Jane Katz, you could also try writing her directly. In addition to being a good author and an amazing swimmer, she is a great lady and always willing to help our her fellow swimmer. The following excerpt from her bio on contains her mailing address. I think the address is still current. If not my apologies to the new resident. When Jane was injured in a car accident in 1979, she created her own aquatic program to help her rehabilitation. She decided to share her knowledge and experience with others, and has written several books including: "Fitness Works" (1988), a practical book that offers step-by- step direction on everything you need to start your own exercise program including guidelines on training methods that cover cycling, walking, jogging, and swimming; "Swimming for Total Fitness" (1993), a progressive swim program with over 80 workouts; "Water Fitness During Your Pregnancy" (1995); "The All-American Aquatic Handbook: Your Passport to Lifetime Fitness" (1996) and; "The New W.E.T. Workout" (1996), that includes water exercise techniques. She also has a computer diskette with a "Work Station Workout" for those who spend time in front of the computer. For these and other publications, you can write Jane at 400 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
  • If you are interested in these or other books by Jane Katz, you could also try writing her directly. In addition to being a good author and an amazing swimmer, she is a great lady and always willing to help our her fellow swimmer. The following excerpt from her bio on contains her mailing address. I think the address is still current. If not my apologies to the new resident. When Jane was injured in a car accident in 1979, she created her own aquatic program to help her rehabilitation. She decided to share her knowledge and experience with others, and has written several books including: "Fitness Works" (1988), a practical book that offers step-by- step direction on everything you need to start your own exercise program including guidelines on training methods that cover cycling, walking, jogging, and swimming; "Swimming for Total Fitness" (1993), a progressive swim program with over 80 workouts; "Water Fitness During Your Pregnancy" (1995); "The All-American Aquatic Handbook: Your Passport to Lifetime Fitness" (1996) and; "The New W.E.T. Workout" (1996), that includes water exercise techniques. She also has a computer diskette with a "Work Station Workout" for those who spend time in front of the computer. For these and other publications, you can write Jane at 400 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
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