Getting back in the pool after a few years off...

Former Member
Former Member
I swam competitively from the time I was 7yrs old the whole way through college. After I graduated, I decided to take a few years off and try to do some serious weight lifting. I did moderate cardio work during this couple of year stretch - I don't really consider my self to be out of shape, just out of "swimming shape" :( Anyways, I'm getting ready to start swimming again. I've been doing a lot of running to try to get a little closer to what I feel would be in shape for practicing. Any thoughts on how to "ease" back into serious workouts. The fitness center that I belong to has a masters program, but I would be nowhere near ready to participate. Thanks, -cotfessi
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Laineybug, I was glad to see someone else has Katz's "Swimming for Total Fitness". I'm also in my 50s hadn't done lap swimming for over 20 years - and never was a competitor or even a technically competent swimmer. But when I was younger, energy covered for lack of technique. When I decided to get back into swimming I worked with a coach who was terrific and taught me things I didn't learn in my 1960s Red Cross lessons. But endurance was a huge issue for me. It is still my toughest problem. I happened on the book and started working my way through the workouts. I started in the middle and even then they were too short so I added distance. I got a great deal of satisfaction by checking each one off and moving on. It rebuilt my confidence which was starting to get battered as I struggled to learn fly and flip turns. I've been in a masters group for 1 1/2 years - I'm almost always last - but I love it. And I still go to the workouts in the book when I'm swimming on my own. They are simple, easy to remember, and have served me well. I've recommended it to a couple other "older" swimmers like me who don't have the same endurance level that the kids in the group do.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Laineybug, I was glad to see someone else has Katz's "Swimming for Total Fitness". I'm also in my 50s hadn't done lap swimming for over 20 years - and never was a competitor or even a technically competent swimmer. But when I was younger, energy covered for lack of technique. When I decided to get back into swimming I worked with a coach who was terrific and taught me things I didn't learn in my 1960s Red Cross lessons. But endurance was a huge issue for me. It is still my toughest problem. I happened on the book and started working my way through the workouts. I started in the middle and even then they were too short so I added distance. I got a great deal of satisfaction by checking each one off and moving on. It rebuilt my confidence which was starting to get battered as I struggled to learn fly and flip turns. I've been in a masters group for 1 1/2 years - I'm almost always last - but I love it. And I still go to the workouts in the book when I'm swimming on my own. They are simple, easy to remember, and have served me well. I've recommended it to a couple other "older" swimmers like me who don't have the same endurance level that the kids in the group do.
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