I'm a soon-to-be masters swimmer and I need some advice
Former Member
Ok, I used to swim competitively in high school, but never swam with USS, but now that I'm graduated and off to college, I am going to start swimming again after a long year break. Now here's my question:
Are the Masters practices usually less intense than those of the "younger" workouts?
I've looked at the times of a couple master's meets and they are considerably slower than what I thought they would be...(no offense). I just want to make sure that if I am going to do master's swimming, that I won't be bored out of my mind with easy workouts.
How do the master's and USS compare?:confused:
Former Member
Yes, there are less intense because they are a lot of middle age people and seniors in the mixed with more beginning swimmers. What you should do is get into a more advance group at a local masters group. These people can cover 4,000 yards in an hour. People like Paul Smith and some others swim at high levels. He is in his early 40's and can swim a 100 meter freestyle around 54 and a 100 yard around 44 or 45 seconds. I image that is a faster time than a lot of kids at your high school did. On the other hand, there are ex- age group swimmers including myself that can be beated by 12 year olds.
Hmm -- I just got back from a practice that left me in pain, so it seemed pretty intense to me :).
In general, Masters practices ARE less intense than USS practices, for a number of reasons, including the age of the swimmers and the fact that adults can't spare as much time for practices as kids. But, like a lot of things in Masters, it depends on the club you train with.
Clubs in the New York area generally have lanes at practices with varying levels of intensity and ability. Those that emphasize competition -- which New York teams tend to be -- usually have some lanes that are extremely intense. My club, for example has lanes at widely varying levels, with two or three at near "college-level" intensity. (There's another very small team in the New York area whose workouts, I'm told, are almost indistinguishable from USS Senior workouts, because they work out with a USS team.)
On the other hand, some Masters clubs are more "fitness" oriented and not interested in competing. These clubs are likely not to be very intense. So I guess the answer is to check out the clubs in your area.
well, 44 for a 100 is waayyy faster than anyone in our high school league. wow....45? That's some fast swimming. Anyhow, thanks for replying, it helped me alot.
see you at the finish line
The intensity of masters is that which you make it. If your local club is not up to your speed, swim on your own and chalenge youeself. Though I think if there is a club near you, you will find plenty of chalenge and intensity.
Have fun
how are you still in USS? Isn't it only for those who are 18 and younger? I am a freshman in college to and I'd love to be in USS too because they compete alot more. I've never been in USS before.
please spill!:D
Hi, I started swimming when I was a freshman in high school and then started USS swimming during the summer. I am now a Freshman in collage and have been swimming with both the masters and USS. I feel that high school and USS swimming work outs are harder because you are competeing a lot more. But the masters work outs can also be hard. I am the new masters coach and for my work outs I change the set and the send offs based on the ability of the people. My advanced swimmers are doing hundreds on the 1 minute. My newer swimmers are doing hundreds on the 2:15. Masters is pretty much what you but into it. It is also a good work out to keep you in shape. I recommend trying it out. And at least give it a month before you decide if it is what you want.
Good Luck,
Ashlynn Gordon
Oh wow, I'm loving it! Thanks for that. So is the senior USA swimmer level the level where the Olympians and National Champs compete at, but I'd be at the bottom of the ladder?:o
Thanks for the info!
A USAS senior usually refers to age and not ability. In a swim meet (age group) you would typically see events divided up into age groupings-8 and under, 10 and under, 11-12, 13-14, 15 and over. Sometimes anywhere from 13 and up is called "senior" or "open". You could see an 8 year old competing in a 200IM along with a 32 year old. Many USAS would love to see an older swimmer in their ranks. This may encourage their older swimmers to stick around or encourage others to join.
When you hear "Senior National Championship" this requires a specific achieved time to compete. These swimmers may be of any age also but have reached a time cut or qualifying time in order to swim.
One joins a USAS team swimming at a "C" time and as you get faster you move up to a B,BB,A,AA,AAA,AAAA times. Each one getting faster. These Senior National cut times are faster than the AAAA.
USS swimming changed their age for age group so it is until you are 19 now. Well at least it is in Montana. Not all competitions allow 19 years old for age group but most do. State, and YMCA regional, and most local meets you can compete in when you are 19.