Should I purchase a pair of flippers?

Former Member
Former Member
I have heard numerous articles of how using flippers can improve your kick.... I would like to hear from those who have used flippers before on your training sets and the pros and cons of using one. I admit that I have tried it out before, but usually results in cramps after usage, and the skin at the back of my heel starts peeling. Despite all the bad exp I had, I still believe there certainly must be some good in using flippers. Thanks. :)
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I've got a pair of red Zoomers size H (the biggest they come in), barely used, that I'll sell to you cheap. DON'T spend $50!! They gave me a great workout, they gave me a great feel for swimming fast, and the rubbed a nasty little blister onto the top of my foot....not worth the aggravation. Unless you are totally bored with your workouts I'd stick with the basics. Hands, feet, and an occasional kickboard.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I've got a pair of red Zoomers size H (the biggest they come in), barely used, that I'll sell to you cheap. DON'T spend $50!! They gave me a great workout, they gave me a great feel for swimming fast, and the rubbed a nasty little blister onto the top of my foot....not worth the aggravation. Unless you are totally bored with your workouts I'd stick with the basics. Hands, feet, and an occasional kickboard.
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