Charley Horse What causes it?

Former Member
Former Member
What is it that causes a lower leg muscle pain, a charley horse? I have gotten them at times and my leg muscle will get as hard as a rock, after it goes away my leg will be sore. When I would get them was when I would use regular swim fins and start out doing too much without a warm up. One swimmer told me they were from a low sugar level. I have the Zoomer fins also, and have not had a charley horse with them. Merry Christmas!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Charley Horses are usually caused from Low potassim leaves in your body and lack of water. So when you work hard if your body is low in these it is going to respond by giving you cramps. A good thing to do is eat a banana before practice and drink lots of water. You should also have a water bottle with you when you are swimming. When you have a brake make sure to drink some. This will help you from getting dehydrated. When you swim you sweat a lot so if you have a hard hour and a half practice you should drink about 4 cups of water to make up for the water loss.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Charley Horses are usually caused from Low potassim leaves in your body and lack of water. So when you work hard if your body is low in these it is going to respond by giving you cramps. A good thing to do is eat a banana before practice and drink lots of water. You should also have a water bottle with you when you are swimming. When you have a brake make sure to drink some. This will help you from getting dehydrated. When you swim you sweat a lot so if you have a hard hour and a half practice you should drink about 4 cups of water to make up for the water loss.
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