When I was younger, I considered myself much more of a sprinter (defined arbitrarily by me as 'm 50, I find I do much better in the latter (as judged by my rankings on Top 10 types lists.) I am wondering if other masters swimmers have noticed this kind of change, so propose the following poll questions (which assume, of course, that you swam when your were "younger"--be that high school, college, or early adulthood.)
Former Member
It also depends upon the stroke. I do breastroke in races which is different than freestyle. In the 50's I think that I'm between 3 to 5 seconds slower than when I was 20 years old. The 100 the last time I was 14 seconds off and the 200 I think about 40 seconds off. Also, I swam a fly 50 and I about 17 seconds off on that from age 20. Your body changes in middle years and if you didn't workout for over 25 years, sometimes strokes like the fly can be way off with some people. Maybe, it will get a little better. Freestyle I just do in workouts and I th ink its second to breastroke in ability now. I have not tested it lately at a meet to find out if I swim the 100 better than the 200 yard swim.
It also depends upon the stroke. I do breastroke in races which is different than freestyle. In the 50's I think that I'm between 3 to 5 seconds slower than when I was 20 years old. The 100 the last time I was 14 seconds off and the 200 I think about 40 seconds off. Also, I swam a fly 50 and I about 17 seconds off on that from age 20. Your body changes in middle years and if you didn't workout for over 25 years, sometimes strokes like the fly can be way off with some people. Maybe, it will get a little better. Freestyle I just do in workouts and I th ink its second to breastroke in ability now. I have not tested it lately at a meet to find out if I swim the 100 better than the 200 yard swim.