Are the way you stroke with your right arm supposed to be semetrical with the way you stroke with your left arm, because I stroke in a different pattern with my left arm than with my right, I suppose that's normal. Also is swimming considered an anerobic or aerobic sport or both?
Former Member
Thanks for the info. I was pretty sure it was both but I thought you could lable a sport as one or the other whether it was both or not according to what it was more, but now I relize that sports should not be labled anerobic or aerobic but simply workouts; whereas aerobic and anerobic depend on the intensity not the sport.
Thanks for the info. I was pretty sure it was both but I thought you could lable a sport as one or the other whether it was both or not according to what it was more, but now I relize that sports should not be labled anerobic or aerobic but simply workouts; whereas aerobic and anerobic depend on the intensity not the sport.