Are the way you stroke with your right arm supposed to be semetrical with the way you stroke with your left arm, because I stroke in a different pattern with my left arm than with my right, I suppose that's normal. Also is swimming considered an anerobic or aerobic sport or both?
Former Member
Originally posted by jean sterling
Used to refer to running or other exercise at an intensity that makes it impossible for your respiratory and cardiovascular systems to deliver all or most of the oxygen required by your muscles, and fast enough that lactic acid begins to build up in your muscles, thus producing a tired, heavy feeling. The pace associated with anaerobic running cannot be sustained very long.
But that definition does not adequately describe an activity like weightlifting, which is usually considered an anaerobic exercise.
Originally posted by jean sterling
Used to refer to running or other exercise at an intensity that makes it impossible for your respiratory and cardiovascular systems to deliver all or most of the oxygen required by your muscles, and fast enough that lactic acid begins to build up in your muscles, thus producing a tired, heavy feeling. The pace associated with anaerobic running cannot be sustained very long.
But that definition does not adequately describe an activity like weightlifting, which is usually considered an anaerobic exercise.