Hi. I am a new masters swimmer and I am wondering if something I am experiencing happens to a lot of others. Soon after I started swimming regularly with a masters team I started feeling this occasional tightness in my chest. I didn't even think it would have anything to do with swimming, so even though I am only 26, I was worried about my heart and went to a doctor. She said it was probably just stress and did an EKG which turned out fine and told me not to worry. A couple months later, I still feel it once in a while, and I think it might happen more often after hard FLY/*** workouts. I was thinking about going back to the doctor to see if it is a muscular thing, so I was just wondering if it was something common. Anyone had this?
Former Member
Methodically look for all options. Muscle, heart, ect. Talk to your MD but give as much information beforehand.
Expanding on the Asthma issue.
1. Does the tightness happen only when in a pool? Does it happen while in the area?
2. Is it a specific pool.
3. If it is a specific pool do you notice anything different when you have the tightness?
a. Did they just scrub down the area
b. What is the chlorine level?
From experience of tracking my wife's asthma trigger this may take some time.
Good Luck
Methodically look for all options. Muscle, heart, ect. Talk to your MD but give as much information beforehand.
Expanding on the Asthma issue.
1. Does the tightness happen only when in a pool? Does it happen while in the area?
2. Is it a specific pool.
3. If it is a specific pool do you notice anything different when you have the tightness?
a. Did they just scrub down the area
b. What is the chlorine level?
From experience of tracking my wife's asthma trigger this may take some time.
Good Luck