Netiquette Guidelines

The purpose of this thread is to establish etiquette guidelines for the USMS Discussion Forums. Most of the nearly 900 forum members use common etiquette when posting. Unfortunately this is not always the case. Please use this thread to list suggestions for "netiquette guidelines" for posts on the discussion forums. Hugh Moore USMS Communications Committee Chair
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Originally posted by KenChertoff ... This time, though, I let myself get provoked, even after I promised myself not to (I think it was the ADD remark). I'm not sure how netiquette rules can prevent that. You refer to the thread 'Not everyone in shape in California', where we debated yesterday. Well, when reading and re-reading the thread, there is nothing wrong to have an opinion that is judged on its perceived merit by an opponent opinion, which in turn is being judged on its perceived merit, and so on until the information is supporting one side. The entire thread has clean English in it, blunt English, but that's the value of the word 'merit' with regards to opinions and experiences.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Originally posted by KenChertoff ... This time, though, I let myself get provoked, even after I promised myself not to (I think it was the ADD remark). I'm not sure how netiquette rules can prevent that. You refer to the thread 'Not everyone in shape in California', where we debated yesterday. Well, when reading and re-reading the thread, there is nothing wrong to have an opinion that is judged on its perceived merit by an opponent opinion, which in turn is being judged on its perceived merit, and so on until the information is supporting one side. The entire thread has clean English in it, blunt English, but that's the value of the word 'merit' with regards to opinions and experiences.
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