Hi swimming friends: I have been swimming masters for about 12 years now, daily swims, never had a problem before but last May developed bursitis in the right shoulder. I laid out a month, then slowly started up again and made it through the summer until end of August when intense pain again. Hve been to the orthopedist who says bursitis - do what you want, not a surgical problem, am on vioxx 50 mg. and darviset . since Sept. 1 have only been swimming with my left arm but still have intense pain when swimming or when not swimming. Am really frustrated and don't know what to do. Anyone out there got any ideas?
I've already tried cortisone shots, cortisone pack, vioxx, icing, heating, acupuncture, physical therapy, etc. What else can I do?
thanks for the advice.
Former Member
Peggy: I had a terrible case of bursitis about 30 years ago and was cured by one shot of cortisone with the longest needle I have ever seen. I think the secret was that the Doctor knew just how to aim the needle, or else was very lucky. I am now having pain in the other shoulder and will get another shot if the pain persists. Maybe you should try another shot or another Doct:)
Peggy: I had a terrible case of bursitis about 30 years ago and was cured by one shot of cortisone with the longest needle I have ever seen. I think the secret was that the Doctor knew just how to aim the needle, or else was very lucky. I am now having pain in the other shoulder and will get another shot if the pain persists. Maybe you should try another shot or another Doct:)