Team/Club Fees Esp. YMCA/YWCA

Former Member
Former Member
I am interested in the fees other organizations charge to be members of their team. I am very interested in YMCA's (YWCA), but would greatly appriecate information from any club...I need lots of data. Is there a fee to swim at your facility, besides the Masters fee? What is it? Is there a fee to swim on the team? What is it? And finally, are your swimmers required to pay their masters registration? Thanks in advance!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I swim with the Kansas City Blazers Masters program which is sponsored by the Johnson County, Kansas, Parks & Recreation District. We have four, 90-minute coached workouts per week. We purchase punch cards. A punch card is good for 15 workouts and costs $55.00 (winter) and $65.00 (summer). This works out to $3.66 per workout (winter). It's nice because we only pay for the workouts we attend. If someone were to actually attend every practice, it works out to be $58.56 per month (winter).
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I swim with the Kansas City Blazers Masters program which is sponsored by the Johnson County, Kansas, Parks & Recreation District. We have four, 90-minute coached workouts per week. We purchase punch cards. A punch card is good for 15 workouts and costs $55.00 (winter) and $65.00 (summer). This works out to $3.66 per workout (winter). It's nice because we only pay for the workouts we attend. If someone were to actually attend every practice, it works out to be $58.56 per month (winter).
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