Team/Club Fees Esp. YMCA/YWCA

Former Member
Former Member
I am interested in the fees other organizations charge to be members of their team. I am very interested in YMCA's (YWCA), but would greatly appriecate information from any club...I need lots of data. Is there a fee to swim at your facility, besides the Masters fee? What is it? Is there a fee to swim on the team? What is it? And finally, are your swimmers required to pay their masters registration? Thanks in advance!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    The Lancaster, PA YMCA has 3 practices a week at no additional charge from the Y fee (~$36/month). They are only for 1 hour each. We can have up to 4 lanes, but usually have 2 or 3 going. We've had a succession of unpaid, volunteer coaches, but right now the workouts are arrived at among the group by a process that makes Enron accounting complexities seem simple - proving that Satre was right in saying that "Anarchy is a valid form of government." No USMS fees since very few of the members other than me participate in meets and I do open water 99% of the time. Also, you can join the masters group without being a Y member - I believe it's about $80 for 3 months. Chaos aside, it is a bargain.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    The Lancaster, PA YMCA has 3 practices a week at no additional charge from the Y fee (~$36/month). They are only for 1 hour each. We can have up to 4 lanes, but usually have 2 or 3 going. We've had a succession of unpaid, volunteer coaches, but right now the workouts are arrived at among the group by a process that makes Enron accounting complexities seem simple - proving that Satre was right in saying that "Anarchy is a valid form of government." No USMS fees since very few of the members other than me participate in meets and I do open water 99% of the time. Also, you can join the masters group without being a Y member - I believe it's about $80 for 3 months. Chaos aside, it is a bargain.
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