I'm looking for a good, one sentence general swim slogan to append to my business email signature. Any good ones out there?
Former Member
"Age & treachery will defeat youth & skill."
Not swimming oriented enough.
"We're looking for a few good laps."
No, sounds like a strip joint.
"Instant swimmer, just add water."
Been done.
"Swimming is life."
Ditto, and a little over the top.
"Come fly with me."
Possible, with the right graphic...
Seven days without Swimming makes one Weak!
You Only Feel Wet When You're Out Of The Water!!
In swimming, possibly more than in any other sport, a person remembers that she is a child of nature!
Swimming......the REAL swimsuit competition!
Swimming a/k/a Liquid Motion
Swim to Live, Live to Swim
On our website we use:
Promoting fitness for life through swimming.
Depending on the point you are trying to get a cross, this may work for you.
Then again there is the much more vile:
Swimming: Go in hard, come out wet.
Obviously the latter is not something most people want as a signature phrase - but it makes me smile for some reason...:D