Need a catchy swim slogan

I'm looking for a good, one sentence general swim slogan to append to my business email signature. Any good ones out there?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    "Age & treachery will defeat youth & skill." Not swimming oriented enough. "We're looking for a few good laps." No, sounds like a strip joint. "Instant swimmer, just add water." Been done. "Swimming is life." Ditto, and a little over the top. "Come fly with me." Possible, with the right graphic...
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Seven days without Swimming makes one Weak! You Only Feel Wet When You're Out Of The Water!! In swimming, possibly more than in any other sport, a person remembers that she is a child of nature! Swimming......the REAL swimsuit competition! Swimming a/k/a Liquid Motion Swim to Live, Live to Swim
  • On our website we use: Promoting fitness for life through swimming. Depending on the point you are trying to get a cross, this may work for you. Then again there is the much more vile: Swimming: Go in hard, come out wet. Obviously the latter is not something most people want as a signature phrase - but it makes me smile for some reason...:D Chris