Everybody Swims!!

Former Member
Former Member
Swimmers, this is a continuation of a topic from the 'Top Ten Link' thread I posted earlier. In that thread, there was a discussion about keeping track of ALL swim times, so that everyone could see how he/she was doing. This is an update on that project. At the start of long-course season, I volunteered to round up as many sanctioned meets for Jim Matysek as I could, to be put into the USMS searchable database, found at: www.usms.org/.../toptimes.shtml. I know of 49 meets (as of last weekend) that have had results posted to LMSC or Zone web sites. Of that number 44 are in the database, for a yield of about 90%. I would encourage each of you to usethis tool to see how you like it. It is not completely error-free since I had to manually-convert HTML files and Word documents for about half of all meets. I even hand-entered a couple of PDF files, which are the worst to deal with. Please let me know if you find any errors in what you see. I think this shows that we CAN archive all the meets with a bit of work. Certainly, it's managable for LCM and SCM courses -- maybe not yet for SCY. If you find this a valuable service, you can help by encouraging meet directors to submit their meet results to the USMS. Enjoy! Mel Dyck
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Swimmers, thanks for the feedback on this thread. The comments are good for us to see. To Matt S. and Barb P. (and other lurkers who haven't mentioned the same comments), I have data-mining software that polls each web site when I bring it up, searching for new information. So, I'm aware of the CMSA and MD web site postings. As I mentioned earlier, the short-course season is much too big for me to handle (and I think that the meets posted on the CMSA and MD sites, that aren't in the database, are the SCY varieties) at the moment. I've been concentrating on LCM and SCM courses only because the number of meets is reasonable. The goal is to include all courses and meets at sometime in the future. This is just the first step. As for the results formats: The most universally-accepted is the USA-Swimming-defined SDIF (Standard Data Interchange Format) file. It can be produced by HyTek's Meet Manager OR by other competing meet management software. Because the database is handled by HyTek, they also accept two other file formats -- the HyTek zipped backup file and the CommLink file. These files are produced largely automatically after the meet director has entered the swimmers info & run the meet. They contain the fewest errors and represent the least investment of time for me. I'm happy to deal with other formats, however. It's just that the rest of the formats require that I do manual conversions to the SDIF files. THIS INEVITABLY LEADS TO ERRORS. As Jim can verify, I recently submitted a meet from Texas that I had manually converted where I listed both male and female swimmers as female because I mis-interpreted a character in the posted results. This may be carrying the unisex thing a bit too far. So, Barb, it's not that I won't use the PDF files. I'd rather invest the work than have the meet excluded from the database. It's just that it would save me time and embarassment if I could just pass the meet directors results file directly to the database. For a small meet, I can do the conversion in about 60 minutes; for a zone meet it has taken me 3-4 hours to do the conversion. But, please, keep advertizing the database. As coaches, or swimmers, take a printout of the top 25 or 50 or whatever with you to big meets to give yourself or your swimmers instant feedback. Talk it up to other swimmers. Put links in newsletters and on web sites. It all helps Keep after meet directors and LMSC officials to submit results. Let me know if there is a club web site that posts results that may not be on a Zone web site or an LMSC web site. I'm pretty aggressive about tracking down these results & will follow up on your tips. !!!I WANT TO MAKE THIS AN INDESPENSIBLE TOOL TO THE USMS SWIMMING COMMUNITY!!! mel
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Swimmers, thanks for the feedback on this thread. The comments are good for us to see. To Matt S. and Barb P. (and other lurkers who haven't mentioned the same comments), I have data-mining software that polls each web site when I bring it up, searching for new information. So, I'm aware of the CMSA and MD web site postings. As I mentioned earlier, the short-course season is much too big for me to handle (and I think that the meets posted on the CMSA and MD sites, that aren't in the database, are the SCY varieties) at the moment. I've been concentrating on LCM and SCM courses only because the number of meets is reasonable. The goal is to include all courses and meets at sometime in the future. This is just the first step. As for the results formats: The most universally-accepted is the USA-Swimming-defined SDIF (Standard Data Interchange Format) file. It can be produced by HyTek's Meet Manager OR by other competing meet management software. Because the database is handled by HyTek, they also accept two other file formats -- the HyTek zipped backup file and the CommLink file. These files are produced largely automatically after the meet director has entered the swimmers info & run the meet. They contain the fewest errors and represent the least investment of time for me. I'm happy to deal with other formats, however. It's just that the rest of the formats require that I do manual conversions to the SDIF files. THIS INEVITABLY LEADS TO ERRORS. As Jim can verify, I recently submitted a meet from Texas that I had manually converted where I listed both male and female swimmers as female because I mis-interpreted a character in the posted results. This may be carrying the unisex thing a bit too far. So, Barb, it's not that I won't use the PDF files. I'd rather invest the work than have the meet excluded from the database. It's just that it would save me time and embarassment if I could just pass the meet directors results file directly to the database. For a small meet, I can do the conversion in about 60 minutes; for a zone meet it has taken me 3-4 hours to do the conversion. But, please, keep advertizing the database. As coaches, or swimmers, take a printout of the top 25 or 50 or whatever with you to big meets to give yourself or your swimmers instant feedback. Talk it up to other swimmers. Put links in newsletters and on web sites. It all helps Keep after meet directors and LMSC officials to submit results. Let me know if there is a club web site that posts results that may not be on a Zone web site or an LMSC web site. I'm pretty aggressive about tracking down these results & will follow up on your tips. !!!I WANT TO MAKE THIS AN INDESPENSIBLE TOOL TO THE USMS SWIMMING COMMUNITY!!! mel
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