Everybody Swims!!

Former Member
Former Member
Swimmers, this is a continuation of a topic from the 'Top Ten Link' thread I posted earlier. In that thread, there was a discussion about keeping track of ALL swim times, so that everyone could see how he/she was doing. This is an update on that project. At the start of long-course season, I volunteered to round up as many sanctioned meets for Jim Matysek as I could, to be put into the USMS searchable database, found at: www.usms.org/.../toptimes.shtml. I know of 49 meets (as of last weekend) that have had results posted to LMSC or Zone web sites. Of that number 44 are in the database, for a yield of about 90%. I would encourage each of you to usethis tool to see how you like it. It is not completely error-free since I had to manually-convert HTML files and Word documents for about half of all meets. I even hand-entered a couple of PDF files, which are the worst to deal with. Please let me know if you find any errors in what you see. I think this shows that we CAN archive all the meets with a bit of work. Certainly, it's managable for LCM and SCM courses -- maybe not yet for SCY. If you find this a valuable service, you can help by encouraging meet directors to submit their meet results to the USMS. Enjoy! Mel Dyck
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Neat tool. Interesting observation: I am currently sitting at 25 in the M40-44 400m free, but seeded 27th in the LCN 400 with a time that is over 20 seconds faster! If I had not been to Nationals before, and know who will likely show-up and that the seeding is about right, I would be asking the question of who's jivin' who? I suppose this database begs the question of whether we are going to start asking people to demonstrate they have in fact swam that NQT they entered for Nationals. Inevitable I suppose, but I cringe at the thought of all the rule-making, and resulting arguments, this will entail. Matt
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Neat tool. Interesting observation: I am currently sitting at 25 in the M40-44 400m free, but seeded 27th in the LCN 400 with a time that is over 20 seconds faster! If I had not been to Nationals before, and know who will likely show-up and that the seeding is about right, I would be asking the question of who's jivin' who? I suppose this database begs the question of whether we are going to start asking people to demonstrate they have in fact swam that NQT they entered for Nationals. Inevitable I suppose, but I cringe at the thought of all the rule-making, and resulting arguments, this will entail. Matt
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