Pregnant Lifeguard

I hope this doesnâ€Tmt sound sexist. That certainly is not my intent. So one of the lifeguards at my pool is pregnant. To be all the years Iâ€Tmve been swimming (about four decades) I canâ€Tmt recall that Iâ€Tmve ever seen a pregnant lifeguard actually ‘guarding.â€Tm Iâ€Tmve been a certified lifeguard myself for a good portion of my life so I know what can be expected to happen on the job. But my reason for concern isnâ€Tmt really her ability to perform a rescue in her present condition. Itâ€Tms more for the safety of the fetus. In a rescue, the victim can be kicking and flailing extensively. If she were to get kicked in the could be deadly for the fetus. Iâ€Tmm a little surprised that sheâ€Tms allowed to guard while pregnant. Dan
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