A video about what I wish someone had told me earlier...

Former Member
Former Member
In 2008 I started a thread, asking for feedback as an adult learner, and got great responses. Twelve years later, I'm still a horrible swimmer, but I love the sport more than ever. :) It might seem like hubris that I, of all people, dare putting together an educational video on swimming. However, over the years, I got valuable advice that I couldn't find visualized anywhere else. Since no one was willing to do it, it had to be me. The target audience is beginning/intermediate adult swimmers. I think, triathletes might benefit most from it. I now have a draft of the video. It is quite long (16 minutes), so nothing for the faint of heart. If you have some time to spare, please take a look and give me some feedback. After reading a lot, attending many workshops, and talking to many coaches, I'm confident that most of the advice is sound. However, I might have overlooked something that is embarrassingly wrong and should not appear in the final video. The obvious problem with the video is that I cannot execute the prescribed movement as well as I should. However, that's the best footage I have and I don't want to drag out completion forever. Please keep that in mind but let me know if a particular clip is so abhorrent that it distracts from the message. Thanks a lot! Here's the video: PREVIEW 4 — Freestyle Swimming: Arm Movement. Complete.
  • In those 12 years, have you had a coach ro look at and give you feedback as how to improve your stroke mechanics?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    In those 12 years, have you had a coach ro look at and give you feedback as how to improve your stroke mechanics? Absolutely. I attended every swimming workshop nearby and planned my vacations around swim camps. :)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    I liked the video. I think it will be helpful to many swimmers. Thank you for taking the time to watch it and giving me feedback! :) The problem for me is: in my mind I'm doing it perfect, in the pool I'm stinking up the place. Sounds like me. Only, I've seen enough recordings of myself to know what it looks like; so I've given up pretending. :D Some days I'm the fastest one in the pool. Yay for me! Good for you! Keep it up! :applaud: