How do you see a meet run in the future?

Will we be limited to a shorter event entry? Will relays be spaced, time wise , further apart to allow the next heat to get behind the blocks? Will officials need masks? Will we need masks when not swimming? What are your thoughts?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    There will be a masters meet mid-September where I live, as the number of community infection has been zero for two months now (entire country, about 70M population). Generally people here have seriously adopted a "new normal" concept (mask, social distancing, frequent hand sanitising). I think that is the first hurdle before considering to run a meet. It's difficult to come up with a general view for future arrangement because COVID-19 situation is very different from place to place. In about six weeks, if conditions remain and the meet is held, I'll come to tell how they arrange things here (in compliance with our "new normal").
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    There will be a masters meet mid-September where I live, as the number of community infection has been zero for two months now (entire country, about 70M population). Generally people here have seriously adopted a "new normal" concept (mask, social distancing, frequent hand sanitising). I think that is the first hurdle before considering to run a meet. It's difficult to come up with a general view for future arrangement because COVID-19 situation is very different from place to place. In about six weeks, if conditions remain and the meet is held, I'll come to tell how they arrange things here (in compliance with our "new normal").
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