No propulsion from kicking newbie

Former Member
Former Member
Hello I am a water rescue technician / paramedic / friefighter in South Padre island. I nned to pass a 1000 meter in 20 min test soon to continue as water rescue. I have been swimming around 4 years and my form is terrible. Can anyone give me advice for lessons or a place to start practicing my legs? I have been swimming 1000 meters every day and one problem is I feel so sick from the chlorine in the pool that I swim in. My choices for places to swim are extremely limited right now. Does anyone know how I can build my endurance outside of the pool and away from the chlorine? Can I practice running with an oxygen depervation mask to build my RBC or H&H for swimming and also avoid the chlorine? My best 1000 is 22 min but since I feel sick with my sinuses and nose burning from chlorine I am barely dchoking through 1000 in 25 min
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