Please Help out a Rookie!

Former Member
Former Member
I swam when I was younger, but never really competitively. I'm 26, and just want to swim to stay in shape, and get in better shape. I've read some of the postings, and most of the workouts seem to be for people really interested in racing and such. I'm looking for a basic beginner workout which I could do and build off of. Hopefully one of you "experts" can help me. Thanks
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Originally posted by dcarson My 2 cents: One of the most significant things I did that improved my swimming was determining my workout before I swim. I use Swim Info. workouts and others modifying them for me. I write the workout I intend to complete prior to going to the pool and tape it to my water bottle. I do this too. I decide on a workout the night before, print it out in a large font and put it in a baggie. I can be tough on myself because it is the night before. I may get up in the morning and wonder what I was thinking, but with the workout already in the bag(gie), I go to the pool and do it - otherwise I would probably slack off and decide that I need an easy day, or the water is too warm (it is!), or I need an easy day, or it's time to go eat, or.......etc.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Originally posted by dcarson My 2 cents: One of the most significant things I did that improved my swimming was determining my workout before I swim. I use Swim Info. workouts and others modifying them for me. I write the workout I intend to complete prior to going to the pool and tape it to my water bottle. I do this too. I decide on a workout the night before, print it out in a large font and put it in a baggie. I can be tough on myself because it is the night before. I may get up in the morning and wonder what I was thinking, but with the workout already in the bag(gie), I go to the pool and do it - otherwise I would probably slack off and decide that I need an easy day, or the water is too warm (it is!), or I need an easy day, or it's time to go eat, or.......etc.
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