New USMS workouts layout needs improvement

Is anyone else irritated by the general user-unfriendliness of the new format for the "workout library"? (I would have noticed sooner had not coronavirus left me with lots of unlooked-at workouts on the forums.) I just discovered the coached workouts have now had their usefulness butchered. I used to be able to see one week's workouts, with all the details, with one click and usually not too much wasted space (for those who put all 5ish workouts in a single post). Now, I see some of a handful of workouts - no intervals or details - but I have to click each one individually to get those details, and I can see fewer workouts at a time. (It also takes a little longer to load each page.) This destroys a lot of the usefulness from these coached workouts for me! It also now takes much longer to figure out what I will swim the next day/few days. I don't have time to click a gazillion times and go forward and backwards every night. Some improvements that could be made: - allow all posted workouts to be searched from the search bar (e.g. look for kick sets from IM, high-intensity, and basic training in a single search) - allow multiple types of sets to searched for at once (e.g. look for both kick sets and pull sets) - display the full workout and not only the distance and a stroke (e.g. show intervals, instructions, etc.) without having to click on each individual day ----maybe just add an option for the whole page "show abbreviated version or show everything" ----or just add a "view all detailed workouts from week #30" button - not have so much blank space on the page Please try to keep user-friendliness in mind when making website changes, not just "don't make people on phones struggle too much" or "make it snazzy". There are lots of people that use these workouts, so please don't just assume everyone accesses and reads them the same way!
  • You must be dearly missing your home pool now after the move...Yes, I did miss it a lot from mid-March to late May, but, now that I've discovered gobs of 'swimming holes' in the lakes around Ontario, I'm a happy man. Plus, given how well Canada's doing, I suspect our pools will open before the fall chill drives me from the lakes!
  • You must be dearly missing your home pool now after the move...Yes, I did miss it a lot from mid-March to late May, but, now that I've discovered gobs of 'swimming holes' in the lakes around Ontario, I'm a happy man. Plus, given how well Canada's doing, I suspect our pools will open before the fall chill drives me from the lakes!
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