Critique my strokes?

Hi, Forumites! These are my stokes after 11 weeks off due to COVID-19. Any constructive criticism (aside from going crooked on the second 25 of my backstroke! :blush:) would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  • That's why I hate critiquing videos, I just can't always tell what I'm looking at. Still trying to find a pool here. NFC is dangerously hot - 88-89. Gold's pool is STILL not open, nearly 2 months after it was authorized, though now the problem is some electrical issue, and not following guidelines. Of course, we are one of the upward trending states, and our emeregency just got pushed back 2 weeks, so they may end up rolling back some of the permissions.
  • That's why I hate critiquing videos, I just can't always tell what I'm looking at. Still trying to find a pool here. NFC is dangerously hot - 88-89. Gold's pool is STILL not open, nearly 2 months after it was authorized, though now the problem is some electrical issue, and not following guidelines. Of course, we are one of the upward trending states, and our emeregency just got pushed back 2 weeks, so they may end up rolling back some of the permissions.
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