Anyone concerned about risks to our family?

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Former Member
No matter what the CDC says about chlorine killing the virus, my family is very concerned about my return to the pool, due to those who spit, pee, sweat in the pool, and particularly the heavy breathing above the water by other swimmers. Not to mention that they don't 100% believe that chlorine kills the virus, since we are inundated with contradictory recommendations and cautions. Is anyone staying away from pools until it really is "safe" -- the cases don't rise significantly? I worry about being the carrier to my family, esp. my grandson, who I watch and adore. I admit, I'm concerned about safety above the water, no matter what precautions the pools say they are taking. I swam indoors and watched guards look the other way when people don't shower off before getting in, or spit in the pool, and I've seen worse that I won't share here.
  • Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Just wear a &^*%ing mask. :chug: We'll agree on that! It's just too bad that message doesn't come from the top. I can just hear COVIDiots across the country complaining, "President Trump won't wear one, so why should I? Even Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, and other medical experts weren't wearing masks while standing right next to each other at press conferences long after they directed others to wear them. They finally did after several weeks. Then, wouldn't you know, Dr. Fauci had to self-quarantine due to exposure... Note to EVERYBODY: Stop making masks political! :bitching: The facts are clear that cloth masks protect the wearer from transmitting AND/OR contracting the virus, even if they aren't as effective as N95's (which should be saved for first responders in most cases). When you go out in public, wear a mask not just to protect others, but to protect yourself!
  • Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Just wear a &^*%ing mask. :chug: We'll agree on that! It's just too bad that message doesn't come from the top. I can just hear COVIDiots across the country complaining, "President Trump won't wear one, so why should I? Even Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, and other medical experts weren't wearing masks while standing right next to each other at press conferences long after they directed others to wear them. They finally did after several weeks. Then, wouldn't you know, Dr. Fauci had to self-quarantine due to exposure... Note to EVERYBODY: Stop making masks political! :bitching: The facts are clear that cloth masks protect the wearer from transmitting AND/OR contracting the virus, even if they aren't as effective as N95's (which should be saved for first responders in most cases). When you go out in public, wear a mask not just to protect others, but to protect yourself!
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