Anyone concerned about risks to our family?

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Former Member
No matter what the CDC says about chlorine killing the virus, my family is very concerned about my return to the pool, due to those who spit, pee, sweat in the pool, and particularly the heavy breathing above the water by other swimmers. Not to mention that they don't 100% believe that chlorine kills the virus, since we are inundated with contradictory recommendations and cautions. Is anyone staying away from pools until it really is "safe" -- the cases don't rise significantly? I worry about being the carrier to my family, esp. my grandson, who I watch and adore. I admit, I'm concerned about safety above the water, no matter what precautions the pools say they are taking. I swam indoors and watched guards look the other way when people don't shower off before getting in, or spit in the pool, and I've seen worse that I won't share here.
  • It has been proven that cloth masks are anywhere from 50% (for a tea towel) to 80% (for a well-fitting multi-layered cloth mask) effective in contracting the virus; however, Americans are too vain and macho to wear them, and our country's leaders are not showing by example. It's "Do as I say, not as I do." Hypocrisy! I had initially typed a bit more, but decided I didn't want to veer towards the political, but suffice it to say that we are probably on the same page. Regardless, I really think taht in this case, ignorance plays as much of a role as anyhtihng else. The numbers I have generally seen are that the mask is only about 15% effective for protecting the wearer when interacting with an infected person. HOwever, if the infected person is wearing a mask, it is about 85% effective. In the upper 90's if both are. But the point, I believe, is that people don't wear them because their preferred sources of news are saying they don't work. The sad thing is that the calls for re-opening are the loudest from those who refuse to wear them. Which has me
  • It has been proven that cloth masks are anywhere from 50% (for a tea towel) to 80% (for a well-fitting multi-layered cloth mask) effective in contracting the virus; however, Americans are too vain and macho to wear them, and our country's leaders are not showing by example. It's "Do as I say, not as I do." Hypocrisy! I had initially typed a bit more, but decided I didn't want to veer towards the political, but suffice it to say that we are probably on the same page. Regardless, I really think taht in this case, ignorance plays as much of a role as anyhtihng else. The numbers I have generally seen are that the mask is only about 15% effective for protecting the wearer when interacting with an infected person. HOwever, if the infected person is wearing a mask, it is about 85% effective. In the upper 90's if both are. But the point, I believe, is that people don't wear them because their preferred sources of news are saying they don't work. The sad thing is that the calls for re-opening are the loudest from those who refuse to wear them. Which has me
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