NQTs for 2021-2023?

With so many meets being canceled this year, how's that going to impact NQTs for spring and summer nationals for the next few years? Will the T-10 time for each event this year, slim pickings though it might be, still be used in NQT calculations for 2021-2023? Or will 2020 be the year that never was in terms of NQT calculations?
  • With so many meets being canceled this year, how's that going to impact NQTs for spring and summer nationals for the next few years? NQTs will be equal to NT because there will be no meets for a long time is my prediction. How do you host a meet, even a thinly attended Masters Meet when you can only put one person in a lane for workouts? What about timers? judges? starters? I think we're in for a long dark winter of virtual events :( On top of that, with the likely rising costs of airfare and reduced interest from people traveling, making Nationals a viable financial proposition for hosts and participants is going to be hard.
  • I wouldn't worry about qualifying times at this point. USMS is going to become more of virtual organization. Despite their previous presence, the world just recently discovered the existence of potentially dangerous bacteria, viruses, amoeba, prions. Actual swimming is high risk behavior (right up there with unprotected intercourse with sunset boulevard prostitute). There is still value to your membership though. Feel free to take advantage of the online workouts (although not sure what the point of a structured workout might be if there are no meets that are going to be sanctioned). Please continue to take advantage of the discussion forums where we discuss swimming techniques that you will never be able to put into practice. Also, some of us amateur scientists will be debating particle size of Coronavirus water vapor particles and the likelihood of inhalation/infectivity in a cloud of chloramine vapors. We will also be discussing the applicability of animal studies in swimming-trained covid infected rodents and mucociliary inhibition. All super exciting stuff! Stay tuned...
  • I would be curious to know if your entire attitude about COVID-19 would have been different if you had been an ER doc in NYC. We'll never know, but I'm guessing if you had seen it all first-hand, you may be thinking differently about it... Of course. Perspective is everything; however, I would also say the crushing unintended consequences to the rest of the country is taken way too lightly by many (including yourself) as a necessary byproduct. This is especially true since our experts and politicians continue to guess at courses of action with the accuracy of "chemtrail Karen".
  • Of course. Perspective is everything; however, I would also say the crushing unintended consequences to the rest of the country is taken way too lightly by many (including yourself) as a necessary byproduct. This is especially true since our experts and politicians continue to guess at courses of action with the accuracy of "chemtrail Karen". Oh, don't get me wrong, Kurt. I take the consequences very seriously. There is no easy answer to the massive devastation this coronavirus is inflicting on both life and the economy. It's just that we are nowhere near herd immunity in this country (or in Sweden), for those in that camp that think taking that route is going to work. Sweden and Brazil have gone that route, and look at where it's gotten them-- especially Brazil! There are two sides to every argument, and there is a lot to be said for the devastation that will be caused to the economy by taking the route you and a couple of other Forumites have been suggesting. When it comes listening to (and believing) politicians or scientists and doctors, I will chose the latter every time. My birthday (Inauguration Day) can't come soon enough.
  • I really hope 2021 National events will be open and attended. As I turn 75 just b 4 S C Nats. next year, I will be the young guy in my age group
  • I wouldn't worry about qualifying times at this point. USMS is going to become more of virtual organization. Despite their previous presence, the world just recently discovered the existence of potentially dangerous bacteria, viruses, amoeba, prions. Actual swimming is high risk behavior (right up there with unprotected intercourse with sunset boulevard prostitute). There is still value to your membership though. Feel free to take advantage of the online workouts (although not sure what the point of a structured workout might be if there are no meets that are going to be sanctioned). Please continue to take advantage of the discussion forums where we discuss swimming techniques that you will never be able to put into practice. Also, some of us amateur scientists will be debating particle size of Coronavirus water vapor particles and the likelihood of inhalation/infectivity in a cloud of chloramine vapors. We will also be discussing the applicability of animal studies in swimming-trained covid infected rodents and mucociliary inhibition. All super exciting stuff! Stay tuned... I would be curious to know if your entire attitude about COVID-19 would have been different if you had been an ER doc in NYC. We'll never know, but I'm guessing if you had seen it all first-hand, you may be thinking differently about it...
  • I think at this point Q times will not change very much from what they are at present. With any swims coming from early 2020 the percent change will be minimum