Should USMS own its own pools?

There are plenty of under used municipal and school pools across the country that could be bought or managed by an outside organization, just for the promise of occasional public access. USMS is not loaded with money, but has lots of knowledge and experienced people who could pull off a stunt like this. One club in Indiana has done just this thing by taking over a county pool that was in peril of closing because it could not afford to operate it. As far as I know, the agreement is still in force and the USMS club is still paying for operations by its own management and programming. San Diego has three public pools but cannot afford to keep them all open at once, so they have one or two open and close the other one (or two) on a rotating basis. Not a good way to keep programs filled.
  • My concern is that there will be inequity this year. Some states will open pools before others. How can we have a national championship if some people canâ€Tmt swim up until the day of the event. How do we establish top ten rankings when a lot of people arenâ€Tmt included because of no opportunity to swim? Way more questions then answers.
  • My concern is that there will be inequity this year. Some states will open pools before others. How can we have a national championship if some people canâ€Tmt swim up until the day of the event. How do we establish top ten rankings when a lot of people arenâ€Tmt included because of no opportunity to swim? Way more questions then answers.
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