When we return to swimming.

For me, it's now going on four weeks since my last swim. We were in Turks and Caicos March 7-14 for spring break where I was doing daily open-water swims along the beach. My last swim was a 3-miler on March 13. When we got back to the U.S., we had to go into mandated 14-day quarantine so I wasn't able to get out to go to the pool before they all closed. Who knows when I'll swim again...either open-water warming up (I live in RI), or pools opening again. I am maintaining fitness with bike rides, and a run here and there. And I know I there is other 'dry land' training I could be doing. But my concern when returning to the water is injuring myself because of doing TMTS. I'm just that kind of athlete. Raise you're hand if you think you're a candidate for a TMTS injury too. Dan
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    In your dreams, it does.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    Lol. When the world turned up-side-down in mid March, I automatically assumed 6 months off swimming. After 13 months on, I figured I could live with that break. But, I'm hopeful that it will be sooner. My little running experiment ended in failure. I AM A SWIMMER, DAMMIT.
  • I've made it to the lake 2-3 times per week since early April. About 25 miles of swimming so far for April; not anywhere near a record, but still better than 0. The water temp was a bit chilly when I first started (low 60s), but is now in the upper 60s, which is very tolerable. While I've swum several o/w events every year pretty much since 2000, I don't normally train this much o/w. When I lived in Arizona, I do remember swimming in Saguaro Lake a few times. Here in Austin I used to think that Barton Springs was good o/w training...but swimming in lakes is so different. Our governor just announced the first steps to re-open things, but unfortunately gyms and pools weren't mentioned at all. I know from an exercise perspective, swimming should be a no-brainer. But who will be the judge of swimming for exercise -v- what most people do when they say they are, "going swimming?" Guess I'll be going to the lake for a while yet.
  • I think everyone would appreciate a posting of locations where we could swim, legally (or otherwise, since California and some other backward states have shut down all access). Even duck ponds are starting to look good. I am going to begin looking for private pool owners and ask for access at some time during the days, just to get the joints worked out.
  • Tim - Do you know if Barton Springs will open when the parks open? Hmm, some Austin parks never closed. I'm swimming in a lake from/at an Austin park :angel: I did find this story from a few days ago. I hadn't really thought of a lifeguard shortage, but it makes sense. Barton Springs and Deep Eddy keep a slim staff over the winter months. I swam there through winter, nearly once a week at one of them, and there were maybe 4-5 lifeguards at 'peak' times, when in summer there would be 2-3 times that many. I use that term peak in quotes since the winter peak at Barton Springs (say noon or so) might have 15 people in the water. On a typical summer day I wouldn't want to go near the place then. www.kxan.com/.../ I'm hopeful there will be some guidance in the next announcement of openings. The problem with swimming pools is that when probably 80-90% of average Americans say that they are, "going swimming," it means something completely different than when a typical USMS member says it.
  • I am going to begin looking for private pool owners and ask for access at some time during the days, just to get the joints worked out.There's an app for that - https://swimply.com/ Mind you, I tried this in the pre-COVID era and the pool supply is small, expensive, and geared towards people renting pools for parties, lounging, 'recreating' ... but desperate times call for desperate measures.
  • USA swimming just cancelled their summer nationals for the kids. I doubt our summer nationals in Richmond will take place.
  • USA Swimming plans for meets in mid-August. I'm not giving up hope yet.
  • Our governor just announced the first steps to re-open things, but unfortunately gyms and pools weren't mentioned at all. I know from an exercise perspective, swimming should be a no-brainer. But who will be the judge of swimming for exercise -v- what most people do when they say they are, "going swimming?" Guess I'll be going to the lake for a while yet. Tim - Do you know if Barton Springs will open when the parks open?
  • Wow, that's a drag. My last swim was March 16 - 3500 yards of a good, strong workout. Had the pool all to myself, and was beginning to wonder if I was crazy for being there. Two days later, our parks closed. This would normally send me over the edge, but while at the park (prior to closing), I detached my retina. Had to have emergency surgery in the hospital, in a county that was experiencing one of the hardest hit counties of COVID in our state. (Tri-state area). Needless to say, I spent one full week on my stomach after surgery, with head face down all day every day, with a 15 minute break every hour. I thought I would lose my mind. I have a waiting period of 3 months before I can rest assured that the retina has not detached again. No weights or rigorous exercise for 3 months. This is torture. The only thing that is preventing me from losing it, is that if this had to happen, better now when I can't swim anyway. :bighug: What a bummer, Renie! I'm so sorry to hear about your detached retina. How scary! What a relief your surgery was a success. Good luck!