When we return to swimming.

For me, it's now going on four weeks since my last swim. We were in Turks and Caicos March 7-14 for spring break where I was doing daily open-water swims along the beach. My last swim was a 3-miler on March 13. When we got back to the U.S., we had to go into mandated 14-day quarantine so I wasn't able to get out to go to the pool before they all closed. Who knows when I'll swim again...either open-water warming up (I live in RI), or pools opening again. I am maintaining fitness with bike rides, and a run here and there. And I know I there is other 'dry land' training I could be doing. But my concern when returning to the water is injuring myself because of doing TMTS. I'm just that kind of athlete. Raise you're hand if you think you're a candidate for a TMTS injury too. Dan
  • Seems as though Shakespeare's comment on what to do with lawyers is more relative now than ever. Risk assessment is just a way of saying, "here is what the lawyers think we should not do."
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    All of our outdoor pools have decided not to open due to all the restrictions (and the fact that they were just given the ok on June 22). I was not happy to learn one of the big pools in the area will not open to members, but are renting the pool to local swim teams. I live in an adult community with a 20 yd. pool that is barely used. Pool's been filled since May. Board claimed to be following Governor's guidelines for opening. Suddenly, a legal liability issue takes precedence, and they are not using that excuse not to open the pool. There isn't a day I don't feel frustrated and sad. This pool is the only pool I would feel relatively safe in, as I'd be the first one in the pool and probably the only one swimming laps in the morning. I used to be able to run, and due to needing a total knee replacement, even walking hurts now. It doesn't look like swimming will happen in our area - the capital of our State. Ugghh. OTOH, we were hit hard in the beginning and the Gov. is opening very slowly.
  • The pool where I swim (we've been open since late May) has been unusually busy this week. Some days last week and prior I might have been the only swimmer there. This morning we had 7 of 8 lanes occupied. And as people left, others came to fill the lanes. I think we all fear (rightfully so) that pools may be re-closing :(
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    I've had it. I am about to drive to the f*****g lake. I don't care if it is 50F. I'll make a report later in Open Water? :) Last swim was March 13th. ENOUGH!!!
  • So.....swimming. Aaaaah, swimming. After 105 days off swimming, in an act of desperation, I went to Comox Lake today. It was cold. But after a few minutes, I got used to it. Wetsuit? Shmetsuit! Oh how lovely this felt. I did 8-10 swims, varying from 25m to 100m. My form was most ungainly, but not terrible. I felt rather spent at the end of the 100m. But doing this activity again is such a beautiful thing. Comox Lake, this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. XTerra has wetsuits on clearance right now, 70+% off. I bnought a cheap Blue Seventy, turned out to be too small, so then I got an XTerra. What a difference! At any rate, I've been doing lake swims, and am seriously thinking about doing a big 10K open water swim in September, now. So I guess I'd just say, Embrace the suck! Try to find a group. Good camaraderie for sure. Even if the rest of them are crazy triathletes who've had to have their heads put back together from impacts with cars.
  • Seems as though Shakespeare's comment on what to do with lawyers is more relative now than ever. Risk assessment is just a way of saying, "here is what the lawyers think we should not do." Michael, do you wear a face ,mask in public when you can't social/ physical distance?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    So.....swimming. Aaaaah, swimming. After 105 days off swimming, in an act of desperation, I went to Comox Lake today. It was cold. But after a few minutes, I got used to it. Wetsuit? Shmetsuit! Oh how lovely this felt. I did 8-10 swims, varying from 25m to 100m. My form was most ungainly, but not terrible. I felt rather spent at the end of the 100m. But doing this activity again is such a beautiful thing. Comox Lake, this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    XTerra has wetsuits on clearance right now, 70+% off. I bnought a cheap Blue Seventy, turned out to be too small, so then I got an XTerra. What a difference! At any rate, I've been doing lake swims, and am seriously thinking about doing a big 10K open water swim in September, now. So I guess I'd just say, Embrace the suck! Try to find a group. Good camaraderie for sure. Even if the rest of them are crazy triathletes who've had to have their heads put back together from impacts with cars. The temperature isn't excruciating. I think I can quickly get used to this, and do 30min in the water no problem. And it will only get warmer from here. Going again tonight!!
  • I've had 4 sessions in the lake now. Either I'm getting used to the temperature, or the temperature has gone up, or both, because I'm not experiencing major shivers when I exit now. Today I covered around 1000m total. I use strokes for measurement. I seem to recall that in the 25m pool, I was often 10.5 full cycles with a pushoff. That's 21 half cycles (or hand entries....both arms). So maybe that would be near 25 half cycles without a pushoff? So, in the lake, I assume each half cycle (or hand entry) is a meter. But I count breaths, which for me is always 3 half cycles. So...100m in the lake? 34 breaths!! (Always round up.) Right? :) I wouldn't count on it. I'm in the 12-13 strokes (or "half cycle") per length in the pool. Open water is a TOTALLY different animal. MANY more stroke lengths. Not sure how much is push from the wall and a few UDK's, but my watch reads 1.03m per stroke. Swam in a 100M pool today, and using some of those markers, I was getting roughly 1m per pull, as well. Of course, conditioning is a factor, too. I'm not in the water 4-5 times per week like I had been.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    I've had 4 sessions in the lake now. Either I'm getting used to the temperature, or the temperature has gone up, or both, because I'm not experiencing major shivers when I exit now. Today I covered around 1000m total. I use strokes for measurement. I seem to recall that in the 25m pool, I was often 10.5 full cycles with a pushoff. That's 21 half cycles (or hand entries....both arms). So maybe that would be near 25 half cycles without a pushoff? So, in the lake, I assume each half cycle (or hand entry) is a meter. But I count breaths, which for me is always 3 half cycles. So...100m in the lake? 34 breaths!! (Always round up.) Right? :)