When we return to swimming.

For me, it's now going on four weeks since my last swim. We were in Turks and Caicos March 7-14 for spring break where I was doing daily open-water swims along the beach. My last swim was a 3-miler on March 13. When we got back to the U.S., we had to go into mandated 14-day quarantine so I wasn't able to get out to go to the pool before they all closed. Who knows when I'll swim again...either open-water warming up (I live in RI), or pools opening again. I am maintaining fitness with bike rides, and a run here and there. And I know I there is other 'dry land' training I could be doing. But my concern when returning to the water is injuring myself because of doing TMTS. I'm just that kind of athlete. Raise you're hand if you think you're a candidate for a TMTS injury too. Dan
  • Ouch, Jim, how long did it take you to feeling close to normal after surgery? I need a total knee replacement, and since the gym's been closed, I am limited to indoor bike and walking, which is killer on my bad knee. I'm putting off the replacement, b/c I fear the rehab portion. I won't lie...it is Hard! The first 2 weeks after surgery are very tough, you are icing a lot and trying to get off the pain meds. I stopped taking the pain meds and switched to Tylenol around day 8 and that was too soon. I had to take a few here and there as the nights were the toughest as I am a side sleeper and you pretty much have to sleep on your back for 3-4 weeks. I ended up asking the Dr for ambien to help me sleep. 2-4 weeks still rough and you are doing PT 3X a week and still icing. I used a walker for 2 weeks and then was able to walk some...but you are still sitting a lot and trying to keep the swelling down. 2nd month for me was tough as I probably tried to do too much too quickly and ended up having more swelling and they had to give me a Steroid to help reduce the swelling. at 10 weeks I started to feel better and actually got in the pool and was swimming for 20-30 minutes (open turns and good leg push off the wall) and doing some aqua therapy which really helped. Then the shut down stopped that along with going to my PT...so I did my PT by myself and also started walking a lot...building up to 50 minutes. I am 18 weeks post op now and I think around week 14 I started to not have any pain. around week 8 I could sleep on my side and that helped getting more rest and sleep at night. It has been a hard road and I am still doing PT, swimming now 3000 with easy flip turns and mostly free with a little backstroke, but no kicking with a board yet or fly or ***. The hardest thing for me was I way underestimated the rehab and how hard it would be plus being retired I had nothing to focus on but my knee and rehab. I think if I had a job it would take your mind off it some! I am glad I did it now and I hope to get full range of motion back around month 9-10. Also everyone is different and heals differently. you cannot judge your progress against anyone else's ....you just have to listen to your body as it heals. At 63 I do not heal like I was in my twenties so it is a longer process! hope that helps and gives at least insight into my recovery and rehab
  • Ouch, Jim, how long did it take you to feeling close to normal after surgery? I need a total knee replacement, and since the gym's been closed, I am limited to indoor bike and walking, which is killer on my bad knee. I'm putting off the replacement, b/c I fear the rehab portion. I won't lie...it is Hard! The first 2 weeks after surgery are very tough, you are icing a lot and trying to get off the pain meds. I stopped taking the pain meds and switched to Tylenol around day 8 and that was too soon. I had to take a few here and there as the nights were the toughest as I am a side sleeper and you pretty much have to sleep on your back for 3-4 weeks. I ended up asking the Dr for ambien to help me sleep. 2-4 weeks still rough and you are doing PT 3X a week and still icing. I used a walker for 2 weeks and then was able to walk some...but you are still sitting a lot and trying to keep the swelling down. 2nd month for me was tough as I probably tried to do too much too quickly and ended up having more swelling and they had to give me a Steroid to help reduce the swelling. at 10 weeks I started to feel better and actually got in the pool and was swimming for 20-30 minutes (open turns and good leg push off the wall) and doing some aqua therapy which really helped. Then the shut down stopped that along with going to my PT...so I did my PT by myself and also started walking a lot...building up to 50 minutes. I am 18 weeks post op now and I think around week 14 I started to not have any pain. around week 8 I could sleep on my side and that helped getting more rest and sleep at night. It has been a hard road and I am still doing PT, swimming now 3000 with easy flip turns and mostly free with a little backstroke, but no kicking with a board yet or fly or ***. The hardest thing for me was I way underestimated the rehab and how hard it would be plus being retired I had nothing to focus on but my knee and rehab. I think if I had a job it would take your mind off it some! I am glad I did it now and I hope to get full range of motion back around month 9-10. Also everyone is different and heals differently. you cannot judge your progress against anyone else's ....you just have to listen to your body as it heals. At 63 I do not heal like I was in my twenties so it is a longer process! hope that helps and gives at least insight into my recovery and rehab
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