When we return to swimming.

For me, it's now going on four weeks since my last swim. We were in Turks and Caicos March 7-14 for spring break where I was doing daily open-water swims along the beach. My last swim was a 3-miler on March 13. When we got back to the U.S., we had to go into mandated 14-day quarantine so I wasn't able to get out to go to the pool before they all closed. Who knows when I'll swim again...either open-water warming up (I live in RI), or pools opening again. I am maintaining fitness with bike rides, and a run here and there. And I know I there is other 'dry land' training I could be doing. But my concern when returning to the water is injuring myself because of doing TMTS. I'm just that kind of athlete. Raise you're hand if you think you're a candidate for a TMTS injury too. Dan
  • Current times have definitely been a drag swimming-wise, and as much as I try to focus on the big picture, I really miss the pool! My last swim was March 15th. This is the longest I think Iâ€Tmve gone without swimming since 2016! Iâ€Tmve learned two things very quickly: 1. Going a week or two without swimming isnâ€Tmt the end of the world. 2. But going without it for months on end, nothing fully replaces what swimming was. Trying yoga, running, walking, biking or core as my new primary exercises, while better than nothing, has resulted in a long-winded, grumbly list in my head about how much better swimming is to me... (For example... i. People are supposed to SWEAT?! when they work out? ii. So much noise and distractions... where is my quiet, turquoise meditation? iii. Wait, my arms canâ€Tmt move me forward on land? iv. Cardio is horizontal, not vertical v. Are there four types of running like thereâ€Tms four strokes? No? Ok... But free/***/fly/back are like the four Hogwarts houses, or the four elements so I canâ€Tmt just forget who I am vi. Iâ€Tmm so good at holding my breath, look! (Holds breath while running on land for 25yds) Still so impressive right? (Nonswimmer friends roll eyes at me) ... and on and on.) In short, my inner mermaid is very beached. :( Gratefully, Iâ€Tmm staying with my parents who live a 5min walk from a big, swimmable freshwater lake in the state of Washington. Once temperatures/bacteria levels arenâ€Tmt a problem, Iâ€Tmll be in open water heaven. Will still miss those few months I would have had with my college club in my last semester. But weâ€Tmve been doing leadership meetings virtually and I really hope they get to swim together as a club this fall! I will live vicariously through my friendsâ€Tm college swimming, and I will find a new Masters workout group while chilling out in WA with my family. Not sure when yet. But before I know it, I hope! :)
  • Current times have definitely been a drag swimming-wise, and as much as I try to focus on the big picture, I really miss the pool! My last swim was March 15th. This is the longest I think Iâ€Tmve gone without swimming since 2016! Iâ€Tmve learned two things very quickly: 1. Going a week or two without swimming isnâ€Tmt the end of the world. 2. But going without it for months on end, nothing fully replaces what swimming was. Trying yoga, running, walking, biking or core as my new primary exercises, while better than nothing, has resulted in a long-winded, grumbly list in my head about how much better swimming is to me... (For example... i. People are supposed to SWEAT?! when they work out? ii. So much noise and distractions... where is my quiet, turquoise meditation? iii. Wait, my arms canâ€Tmt move me forward on land? iv. Cardio is horizontal, not vertical v. Are there four types of running like thereâ€Tms four strokes? No? Ok... But free/***/fly/back are like the four Hogwarts houses, or the four elements so I canâ€Tmt just forget who I am vi. Iâ€Tmm so good at holding my breath, look! (Holds breath while running on land for 25yds) Still so impressive right? (Nonswimmer friends roll eyes at me) ... and on and on.) In short, my inner mermaid is very beached. :( Gratefully, Iâ€Tmm staying with my parents who live a 5min walk from a big, swimmable freshwater lake in the state of Washington. Once temperatures/bacteria levels arenâ€Tmt a problem, Iâ€Tmll be in open water heaven. Will still miss those few months I would have had with my college club in my last semester. But weâ€Tmve been doing leadership meetings virtually and I really hope they get to swim together as a club this fall! I will live vicariously through my friendsâ€Tm college swimming, and I will find a new Masters workout group while chilling out in WA with my family. Not sure when yet. But before I know it, I hope! :)
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