When we return to swimming.

For me, it's now going on four weeks since my last swim. We were in Turks and Caicos March 7-14 for spring break where I was doing daily open-water swims along the beach. My last swim was a 3-miler on March 13. When we got back to the U.S., we had to go into mandated 14-day quarantine so I wasn't able to get out to go to the pool before they all closed. Who knows when I'll swim again...either open-water warming up (I live in RI), or pools opening again. I am maintaining fitness with bike rides, and a run here and there. And I know I there is other 'dry land' training I could be doing. But my concern when returning to the water is injuring myself because of doing TMTS. I'm just that kind of athlete. Raise you're hand if you think you're a candidate for a TMTS injury too. Dan
  • Once we do get back, it'll probably be more important than ever to work with a coach who can help throttle the urge to go all out in the beginning (TMTS). I worked a few plays in the fall and wasn't able to swim much and when I did get in the pool, i overdid it. With nearly everyone in the same boat, hopefully we'll work together to get ramped back up slowly. In the meantime, I've been walking a ton and doing yoga by the fountain in my back yard. Hope to come out of this a little leaner and stronger.
  • Once we do get back, it'll probably be more important than ever to work with a coach who can help throttle the urge to go all out in the beginning (TMTS). I worked a few plays in the fall and wasn't able to swim much and when I did get in the pool, i overdid it. With nearly everyone in the same boat, hopefully we'll work together to get ramped back up slowly. In the meantime, I've been walking a ton and doing yoga by the fountain in my back yard. Hope to come out of this a little leaner and stronger.
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