When we return to swimming.

For me, it's now going on four weeks since my last swim. We were in Turks and Caicos March 7-14 for spring break where I was doing daily open-water swims along the beach. My last swim was a 3-miler on March 13. When we got back to the U.S., we had to go into mandated 14-day quarantine so I wasn't able to get out to go to the pool before they all closed. Who knows when I'll swim again...either open-water warming up (I live in RI), or pools opening again. I am maintaining fitness with bike rides, and a run here and there. And I know I there is other 'dry land' training I could be doing. But my concern when returning to the water is injuring myself because of doing TMTS. I'm just that kind of athlete. Raise you're hand if you think you're a candidate for a TMTS injury too. Dan
  • I was training for part of the SCAR swim series (in Arizona) when I had to abruptly stop. When I heard of things starting to close, I was treating each swim as if it might be the last, and all of those were longer than normal. That said, even though I only swam 17 days in March, I still got in 52+ miles (it would have been a huge month for me). A friend told me about an open water option, where he's been swimming, and I finally decided to check it out today. It had been 2 weeks and 5 days (Wednesday would be 3 weeks). I told myself to take things easy... try to get in 30 minutes and no more than an hour. As it worked out, I swam about 50 minutes and knew it was time to stop. I got in about 2 miles (it is a beach-type area, and I was going back/forth between 2 docks). Water temp was 64F, which was a bit on the brisk side for me (I'm used to swimming at Barton Springs, which can get down to 68 in winter), but it was survivable. We just had a cool snap over the weekend, which might have brought the water temp down a bit, but weather is warming up, and I'd imagine it will be 70F and higher before I know it. It is a distance to drive there from home, so it isn't something I can do every day, nor would I want to. But I'm hopeful that I can go 2-3 times a week. I'd like to build back some sort of base and maintain that. SCAR is cancelled this year, but I am registered for Swim the Suck in October. That would require getting in some decent swims, starting to build by mid-August. The open water options here will be way too warm, but with any luck Barton Springs will re-open long before that point.
  • I was training for part of the SCAR swim series (in Arizona) when I had to abruptly stop. When I heard of things starting to close, I was treating each swim as if it might be the last, and all of those were longer than normal. That said, even though I only swam 17 days in March, I still got in 52+ miles (it would have been a huge month for me). A friend told me about an open water option, where he's been swimming, and I finally decided to check it out today. It had been 2 weeks and 5 days (Wednesday would be 3 weeks). I told myself to take things easy... try to get in 30 minutes and no more than an hour. As it worked out, I swam about 50 minutes and knew it was time to stop. I got in about 2 miles (it is a beach-type area, and I was going back/forth between 2 docks). Water temp was 64F, which was a bit on the brisk side for me (I'm used to swimming at Barton Springs, which can get down to 68 in winter), but it was survivable. We just had a cool snap over the weekend, which might have brought the water temp down a bit, but weather is warming up, and I'd imagine it will be 70F and higher before I know it. It is a distance to drive there from home, so it isn't something I can do every day, nor would I want to. But I'm hopeful that I can go 2-3 times a week. I'd like to build back some sort of base and maintain that. SCAR is cancelled this year, but I am registered for Swim the Suck in October. That would require getting in some decent swims, starting to build by mid-August. The open water options here will be way too warm, but with any luck Barton Springs will re-open long before that point.
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