Comfortable Goggles Recommendation

Former Member
Former Member
Hi Folks, I'm looking for goggles that would be more comfortable than my Speedo Vanquisher. Below is an image on one that looks comfortable but I don't know the brand. Does anyone know if the brand in the image of of more comfortable goggles? I've tried Tyr Special Ops 2 and also AquaSphere Kaiman but they didn't work out well (Kaiman was blurry and Special Ops pressed weird on my eyes). 12335 Edit: Googles pictured are Zoggs Original Predator Flex. The new version is 2.0.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Thanks. Calvin. I'll look into these and give them a try. Pretty cool that their so inexpensive. To visit my original post for a second, I finally found out the name of the goggles pictured there. They're Zogg's Original Predator Flex. I think they updated it to 2.0 predator flex.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Thanks. Calvin. I'll look into these and give them a try. Pretty cool that their so inexpensive. To visit my original post for a second, I finally found out the name of the goggles pictured there. They're Zogg's Original Predator Flex. I think they updated it to 2.0 predator flex.
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