Residual Tiredness for 2 Days After Workouts - Help!

Former Member
Former Member
Hi Gang, I'm in my mid-fifties and find I am tired for two days following a hard Sunday workout. It's been sometime since I've pushed myself physically like this so I'm not used to needed a decent amount of recovery time. When I say I am tired what I mean is I feel that my eyes are heavy and I'm not up for doing exercise for 2 days after my workout. I've been back at swimming for about 3 months and currently push myself at least 1x per week under a coach. This equals about 3000 yards. Any thoughts and/or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  • The danger of over training is that you don't ever really realize the benefit of the training. Your body adapts to training when you rest (not while you are actually training). So if you are tired, and not rested, no adaptation and the training benefits are reduced. You're also probably more likely to get sick and become a grumpapotamus. Unfortunately, you just can't recover like you could when you were a kid or a 20 something, but you do have the advantage of being more experienced and smarter. Don't count laps make the laps count.
  • The danger of over training is that you don't ever really realize the benefit of the training. Your body adapts to training when you rest (not while you are actually training). So if you are tired, and not rested, no adaptation and the training benefits are reduced. You're also probably more likely to get sick and become a grumpapotamus. Unfortunately, you just can't recover like you could when you were a kid or a 20 something, but you do have the advantage of being more experienced and smarter. Don't count laps make the laps count.
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