Lately swimming is a lot more painful - cant figure out why?

I have been swimming for 40 years (I'm now 52). I regularly attend masters swim practice (3 X week). Recently, I have been struggling a lot in practice when I try to push myself at 90% or on harder efforts. I feel incredibly fatigued even in a short sprint like a 100 I.M. I feel very comfortable swimming at 80% effort for a really long time but as soon as I push myself a little more the wheels fall off in a big way, and I don't recover very well. I have been to the doctor to get checked out and had my blood work...everything is great. I'm wondering if this is just age or maybe my diet is affecting me?? I have not made any changes. Has anyone else around my age experienced this? Thanks.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    How often do you work out? My impression in my 20's and 30's, was that, if I wanted to ramp up my workouts for a distance swim, I could do that by moving up from 3X per week to 4 or 5X a week. In my 50's I found that ramp-ups worked better (much better) by switchimg from 4 or 5X a week down to 3X a week. I'm not sure that I was correct about workouts in my 20's and 30's. It may have been working out 5 days a week gave me the warm fuzzies, but wasn't helping much. But I'm totally sure that since turning 50, I'm better off with max 3X a week. Now, in my late 60's, I'm starting to think that slightly less than 3X a week might be optimum. Like, 2 workouts for 5 days or something. This is definately a YMMV thing -people age WAY differentfy. In my late 50's I lost consciousness and fell down twice one evening and they've never been able to figure out why even with serious workup. In the cardiac stress test, the senior cardiologist watched and listened carefully on the stethescope for the first half or so, kind of snorted in disgust "There's nothing wrong with his heart," and left the room. The residents finished up the test.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    How often do you work out? My impression in my 20's and 30's, was that, if I wanted to ramp up my workouts for a distance swim, I could do that by moving up from 3X per week to 4 or 5X a week. In my 50's I found that ramp-ups worked better (much better) by switchimg from 4 or 5X a week down to 3X a week. I'm not sure that I was correct about workouts in my 20's and 30's. It may have been working out 5 days a week gave me the warm fuzzies, but wasn't helping much. But I'm totally sure that since turning 50, I'm better off with max 3X a week. Now, in my late 60's, I'm starting to think that slightly less than 3X a week might be optimum. Like, 2 workouts for 5 days or something. This is definately a YMMV thing -people age WAY differentfy. In my late 50's I lost consciousness and fell down twice one evening and they've never been able to figure out why even with serious workup. In the cardiac stress test, the senior cardiologist watched and listened carefully on the stethescope for the first half or so, kind of snorted in disgust "There's nothing wrong with his heart," and left the room. The residents finished up the test.
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