Highest yearly swim totals

One of our swimmers on the Elgin Blue Wave Masters team brought up a guy who swims 14,000 yards a day each and every day to achieve his yearly total. I find this really difficult to comprehend. Has anyone heard of such swimmers?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    As to the topic.... I hit a record 640 miles last year. I swam 3 10k events, attempted a 10 miler (fell just short of finishing), and a few swims around 5k, along with 2 meets. I do have a full-time job, some occasional work travel, and some personal travel and vacations (where I may or may not swim). There were a few months when I swam some every day (that some might have been 400 yards), but generally over a month I'll take off at least 3-4 days. 90 minutes of swimming before work is really about the most I can handle. I have done some 3 hour training swims on weekends, but even those can be tough to pull off, from an overall life / timing perspective. That works out to something like 12 miles a week, if I'm calculating right, or an average of just under 3000m a day, which still seems quite a bit more reasonable than 8+ miles a day. I am pretty slow, though (3600m takes me 1.75 to 2 hours), so maybe my view is skewed. How many meters do you cover in those three hours, out of curiosity?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    As to the topic.... I hit a record 640 miles last year. I swam 3 10k events, attempted a 10 miler (fell just short of finishing), and a few swims around 5k, along with 2 meets. I do have a full-time job, some occasional work travel, and some personal travel and vacations (where I may or may not swim). There were a few months when I swam some every day (that some might have been 400 yards), but generally over a month I'll take off at least 3-4 days. 90 minutes of swimming before work is really about the most I can handle. I have done some 3 hour training swims on weekends, but even those can be tough to pull off, from an overall life / timing perspective. That works out to something like 12 miles a week, if I'm calculating right, or an average of just under 3000m a day, which still seems quite a bit more reasonable than 8+ miles a day. I am pretty slow, though (3600m takes me 1.75 to 2 hours), so maybe my view is skewed. How many meters do you cover in those three hours, out of curiosity?
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