Highest yearly swim totals

One of our swimmers on the Elgin Blue Wave Masters team brought up a guy who swims 14,000 yards a day each and every day to achieve his yearly total. I find this really difficult to comprehend. Has anyone heard of such swimmers?
  • PWB, were there kids who "coulda been a contender" but dropped out just from the harshness?Possibly, but I should have qualified that I was a distance swimmer and this was primarily for the distance folks. Do you think the coach may have been a sadist?Actually, no. He was a great coach and we all swam great. This was 1983 and the stories of what guys like Brian Goodell and Vladimir Salnikov had done in terms of high volume were legendary and circulating around many clubs. I actually really thrived for my 800/1500 doing this kind of stuff. Later on, in university, the only year I swam a decent 1650 was the year we did Tuesday/Thursday workouts that were in the ~12K to 14K range. But, by then, I was probably going more like low 60K yards (25K between the TTh long singles and another 30K from doubles on MWF and then maybe 6K to 8K on Saturday). Of course, 30+ years later, a 4K workout is a long one for me :)
  • PWB, were there kids who "coulda been a contender" but dropped out just from the harshness?Possibly, but I should have qualified that I was a distance swimmer and this was primarily for the distance folks. Do you think the coach may have been a sadist?Actually, no. He was a great coach and we all swam great. This was 1983 and the stories of what guys like Brian Goodell and Vladimir Salnikov had done in terms of high volume were legendary and circulating around many clubs. I actually really thrived for my 800/1500 doing this kind of stuff. Later on, in university, the only year I swam a decent 1650 was the year we did Tuesday/Thursday workouts that were in the ~12K to 14K range. But, by then, I was probably going more like low 60K yards (25K between the TTh long singles and another 30K from doubles on MWF and then maybe 6K to 8K on Saturday). Of course, 30+ years later, a 4K workout is a long one for me :)
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